1 Applies to qualified borrowers.
2 To qualify, the property must be in a low to moderate income census tract or the maximum income for the borrower(s) must not exceed 80% of the area median income (AMI). Home must be a primary residence or second home, single-family dwelling, townhouse, planned unit development or condo. Loan program is subject to change.
3 Home must be a primary residence located in a census tract where at least 50% of the population identifies as minority and the total household income cannot exceed 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI), as determined and published by HUD.
4 1099-MISC will be issued to borrower on awarded funds. WSFS Bank will leverage other down payment and/or closing costs Grant programs prior to deployment (or use) of WSFS Grant Funds. WSFS Grant funds awarded while funds last for the award program year. Loan program is subject to change.
5 The interest on the portion of the credit extension that is greater than the fair market value of the dwelling is not tax deductible for Federal income tax purposes. Consult a tax adviser for further information regarding the deductibility of interest and charges.
Offer subject to credit approval.