Team WSFS Honors Its 2021 Top Five Volunteers for Making a Difference in the Community

Strengthening the communities where we live, work, play and do business is paramount to WSFS’ social purpose, which is fueled by our dedicated Associates and volunteer leaders who invest their time, resources, energy and passion into our communities.
Team WSFS, the WSFS corporate volunteer program, encourages Associates to volunteer with nonprofits of their choice, and WSFS stands behind that encouragement by offering each Associate four hours per month of compensated work time for participation in volunteer activities.
“Our duty to serve our communities has been a key tenet of WSFS for nearly 200 years,” said Vernita Dorsey, Senior Vice President, Director of Community Strategy at WSFS. “In 2021, our dedicated Associates volunteered 13,229 hours through community service and financial literacy courses taught. We’re thrilled to honor our Top Five Volunteers from 2021, who collectively volunteered more than 1,700 hours.”
Our Top Five Volunteers shared which causes are nearest to their heart and why they feel it is important to give back to the community.
Adam Hawlk – 466 Hours Volunteered
“I volunteer with Boy Scout Troop 24 in Wyoming, Del. I started volunteering with the Boy Scouts because my son was interested in joining, and have continued to serve because I believe in the vision of the Scouts of preparing youth to become participating citizens and leaders in our community who are guided by the Scout Oath and Law. Over the past 12 years volunteering with the Troop, I have seen many young men become leaders in science, business, and the military, with several going on to attend military academies and ROTC programs. Having WSFS support my efforts through our volunteer time makes it easier for me to help the boys in our Troop meet their goals.”
Sherri Picone – 379 Hours Volunteered
“Volunteering gives me the opportunity to be a part of a bigger story. I have the chance to serve at the UNITED Church each Sunday, and for different events that are held in the community each month. I serve as Team Leader for UNITED’S Metrics team, and am also involved with National Night Out and WSFS’ free community shredding events over the past 8 years. Volunteering has helped me meet new and wonderful people as well as build quality relationships with those around me. I love and live by the Winston Churchill quote, ‘you make a living by what you get, you make a life by what you give.’ I am truly honored that I work for a company that encourages us to get involved in the community.”
Jennabeth Dalton – 317 Hours Volunteered
“I volunteer with Code Purple Kent County, Del., and UNITED Church. I spend time serving at the men’s shelter, feeding those experiencing homelessness and serve weekly with my church. The thought of people worrying about where their next meal is coming from causes my heart to hurt. The staggering numbers of people experiencing homelessness in Delaware are still growing, and while I can’t give everyone a safe and warm place to sleep, I can try to make sure they aren’t going to bed hungry. The fact that WSFS is so intertwined with our local community makes me proud to be part of this organization.”
Teasa Everett – 303 Hours Volunteered
“I volunteer for Warner Elementary Thunderbirds Cheerleading, where I am Head Coach. I also volunteer for the Fashion Steppers Drill Team, where I am Assistant Director and Co-Choreographer. I love dance and cheer! When I was a child, two of the top five most influential people in my life were my cheer and dance coaches. Being an inner city foster kid, money was never something that my guardians had to spare, but my coaches saw my potential and made sure that I had scholarships and everything I needed to participate. Sadly, I wasn’t the only kid who could’ve benefited from this. When I moved to Wilmington and learned about Fashion Steppers, which is a nonprofit that has no expense to the parents of our students, I had to get involved! The same goes for the Warner Elementary Thunderbird Cheerleaders, who abide by the same functionality of no cost to the families. Every dime that is spent for the children is raised via fundraisers and donations. It is an honor and a privilege to devote time and energy to these kids. They deserve the same opportunities as other children regardless of their families financial background.”
Robert Edelman – 256 Hours Volunteered
“I volunteer at Delaware Veterans Post #1 regularly. While I am not a veteran, I had several family members and friends who are in or were in the military. When I moved to the area 20 years ago, there was a swimming pool at the Veterans Post, and having a young family it was the closest pool so we joined and then I became a member. I have been a member of the Post for almost 15 years, and have a soft spot for the men and women who protect our freedom and put their lives on the line every day. The Post is very active and loves to give back to the community, making donations to a variety of charities. I serve on several committees, including the kitchen, finance, entertainment, and pool committees, as well as a few others I help out with. I love the fact that WSFS lets us volunteer hours and give back to the community.”

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