WSFS CARES Foundation Provides Third Quarter Grants to Organizations in Delaware and Pennsylvania

The WSFS CARES Foundation, the charitable giving arm of WSFS Bank, announced grants to four organizations located in Delaware and Pennsylvania as part of its continuing series of philanthropic activities by WSFS and the Foundation. The grants, approved in the third quarter by the WSFS CARES Foundation board, will support the following organizations.
American Red Cross of the Delmarva Peninsula ($25,000 Grant)
The Red Cross of Delmarva, located in Wilmington, Del., spans three states, providing lifesaving services to more than 1.4 million people across the Peninsula. The WSFS funds will support the organization’s new Wilmington Blood Center.
“On behalf of the American Red Cross, I wish to express my gratitude to the WSFS CARES Foundation for their $25,000 grant in support of Delaware’s first American Red Cross Blood Donation Site located on Concord Pike in Wilmington, Del.,” said Theresa Young, Executive Director at the Red Cross serving the Delmarva Chapter. “The American Red Cross provides forty percent of the nation’s blood supply. It is through partnerships such as WSFS and the trusted brand of the Red Cross that this site will help grow blood donors in Delaware and in turn help to save more lives. Our Delaware focus includes the need to grow more African American and Latino blood donors to help our sickle cell clients receive the best matches possible to ensure a higher quality of life.”
Chester Charter Scholars Academy Foundation ($25,000 Grant to be paid in 2024)
The Chester Charter Scholars Academy Foundation’s purpose is to support the mission of Chester Charter Scholars Academy (CCSA), an arts integrated, K-12 nonprofit public charter school offering an exceptional educational option in Chester, Pa. The WSFS funds will support the organization’s program for Number Sense: Changing the Math Mindset at CCSA.
“WSFS has been a tremendous partner for CCSA,” said Chris Hanlon, Executive Director at CCSA. “The support of this grant will play a critical role in supporting our math intervention initiative that is aimed at preparing our students for a variety of rewarding careers when they graduate. Our school community is incredibly grateful to have WSFS as a partner who truly cares about the students we serve in Chester.”
New Leash on Life USA ($25,000 Grant)
Founded in 2010, New Leash on Life USA rescues at-risk dogs and works with justice-involved individuals in both prison and community settings to create second chances. The WSFS funds will provide general operating support to the organization.
“New Leash is honored to partner with the WSFS CARES Foundation in investing in the extraordinary potential of justice-involved people and rescue dogs,” said Marian V. Marchese, Founder & CEO of New Leash on Life USA. “With the support of the WSFS CARES Foundation, our human and canine participants can grow, learn, and succeed, which leads to a healthy, thriving community.”
PIDC Community Capital ($50,000 Grant)
PIDC is Philadelphia’s public-private economic development corporation. It is a nonprofit joint venture between the City of Philadelphia and the Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, founded in 1958. The WSFS funds will support PIDC’s Community Capital, which builds sustainable neighborhoods and revitalizes business corridors by making investments that create jobs, grow businesses, leverage outside capital, and provide goods and services to low-to-moderate income (LMI) communities.
“As Philadelphia’s economic development corporation, PIDC’s mission is to spur investment, support business growth, and foster developments that create jobs, revitalize neighborhoods, and drive growth to every corner of the city,” said PIDC President Jodie Harris. “We’re very grateful that this funding from the WSFS CARES Foundation will help support PIDC’s small business lending and business support services, particularly for diverse business owners and entrepreneurs. This will help expand our ability to offer flexible, affordable capital in growing local businesses—the backbone of our economy that create jobs and help build wealth for entrepreneurs.”
“At WSFS, we envision a day when everyone will thrive,” said Patrick J. Ward, Executive Vice President, Pennsylvania Market President at WSFS Bank and Chairman of the WSFS CARES Foundation. “This is a lofty ambition that we’re working together with our Associates and Community partners to achieve. We congratulate these organizations on the grants they’re receiving and look forward to working together to make an impact across our region.”

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